Epiph Partners offers customizable program designs and several assessment options.
Six Month Coaching Program includes:
- A proprietary Readiness Assessment to identify potential barriers to success
- One to two hour biweekly coaching sessions in-person, when possible
- A customized 360° to raise self-awareness and identify areas for change
- A Myers Briggs Type Indicator, or other assessments as appropriate
- A follow-up 360° to measure progress
- Personal contact, via email and phone, throughout the program
The outcome is a co-created robust Development Plan based on feedback and assessments to include targeted goals, action steps and support needed.Three Month Coaching Program includes:
- A proprietary Readiness Assessment to identify potential barriers to success
- One to two hour biweekly coaching sessions in-person, when possible
- Personal contact, via email or phone, throughout the program
- Appropriate assessments based on specific feedback needs
The outcome is a co-created Development Plan based on feedback and assessments to include targeted objectives, action steps and support needed.ASSESSMENTS
Customized 360°
A customized 360°assessment affords the opportunity to tailor questions to get targeted feedback based on the individual goals. The coach interviews eight to ten participants in-person, when possible. The outcome is a comprehensive report that outlines the themes and verbatim comments, which are presented anonymously.Follow-Up 360°
A follow-up 360° focuses on the specific areas addressed in the development plan. Four to five interviews are conducted, in-person when possible. Employee receives the feedback anonymously.Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The MBTI provides a framework for understanding individual preferences and helps identify and appreciate differences leading to better interaction with others.ON LINE 360°
Personal Decisions International Profilor identifies strengths and development opportunities for current and future roles and provides specific, individualized, actionable recommendations.Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI) is a multi rater assessment designed to measure the ability to manage emotions in ourselves and others.